About Friends of Irish Studies
The Friends of Irish Studies promotes and supports the Irish language, culture, and heritage, and provides essential funding for the Irish Studies Program at the University of Montana.
The Friends of Irish Studies strive to unite individuals of Irish heritage and those who cherish Irish culture in achieving these shared goals:
Secure the financial resources essential for the continued growth and success of the Irish Studies Program at the University of Montana.
Enhance community engagement by providing public access to distinguished visiting speakers, scholars, dancers, and musicians who enrich the academic program.
Foster a vibrant cultural experience by sponsoring evening classes, immersive workshops, festivals, study tours to Ireland, and a diverse array of community events.
The unwavering support of the Friends of Irish Studies is instrumental to the success of the Irish Studies Program. Our contributions directly fund vital program components, including music, dance, concerts, history courses, language lessons, and an ongoing Oral History project. The success of the Irish Studies Program over the past three years is undeniably a testament to the invaluable contributions of the Friends.
Montana proudly hosts the only Irish Government-supported Oral History project, a testament to the initiative and drive of the Irish community here. As Consul General Gerry Staunton aptly observed, "The Irish of Montana are very innovative and they get things done." This innovative spirit has garnered national recognition, with Irish Ambassadors acknowledging the foresight of individuals like Judge Molloy, Larry Daly, Tom Boland, Mike and Patricia Cotter, and other members of the Irish legal community in fostering an exceptional relationship between the University of Montana and Ireland.
The history of Irish Studies at UM underscores the crucial role of community engagement and support in its continued growth and success. This program possesses the potential to evolve into a nationally recognized center of Irish and Gaelic Studies, serving the community at local, regional, and national levels. This aspiration resonates with many beyond Montana, who are consistently impressed by the remarkable energy, creativity, and unwavering support demonstrated by the community.
The Irish community in Montana is working to create something of national and international significance. We can only achieve our goals with your support. Your assistance will help our program grow, and it will bring closer the day when anyone who wishes to learn the Irish language, music, dance, or study the history and literature of the Irish can come to Montana. This will ensure that the history and culture of the Irish — the legacy of our forefathers — is passed down to the next generation. Their values and heroism laid the foundation for our success, and they will continue to serve as the foundation for the success of our children and grandchildren. We kindly ask you to consider supporting us in pursuing these worthy objectives to the extent that your resources allow.
Supporting the Irish Studies Program at the University of Montana | Promoting Irish heritage in the West | Passing on Irish culture to the next generation.
Become a member today.
You may also contribute or sponsor individual events.
“The ties that bind Ireland and America are deep and enduring, woven from threads of shared history, cultural exchange, and a common yearning for freedom.”